Yesterday, Sunday, February 16, 2025, The kids came over to let Jace play in the snow for the first time and rhey built a big snowman outback. Jace was most adorable in his new snowsuit and boots. This little boy brings me so much joy.
And then, after that, I was gifted the most precious gift.
My mom's homemade pumpkin bread.
Pumpkin bread that she made.
Pumpkin bread that she made with the pumpkins that she grew.
I cried with a mixture of emotions: gratitude - happiness - homesickness - anticipation - and the need to prolong the moment.
Back in September just before my mom became ill, she made pumpkin bread and gave a loaf to Jens and Alexandra. They weren't going to eat it right away so they froze it. Then she got sick and everything became crazy and they kind of forgot about it. I had all the kids along with grandma Clella and grandma Julie up for Sunday dinner. They brought the bread. We sliced it up after dinner and ate it. Then I ate some more the next day, and the next and the next. I looked at the shape of it. The texture. The smell of it. I took it all in. I tried to prolong it as long as possible. I was truly granted a beautiful gift. A slice of bread from her, straight from Heaven.