
Thursday, March 5, 2009


TWO days ago, my kids and I went to the park with my sisters in law and nieces. TWO days ago. We had a great time playing on the playground. It was windy but still very pleasant.

And this morning I wake up to 6 new inches of snow.

6! Sure it's pretty and all that to look at. I'd just perfer to look at it in pictures and not EXPERIENCE it!

So instead of playing at the park, the kids played outside in their coats, boots, mittens and hats. They built a snowman instead of swinging or riding their bikes .
I really don't like winter. I just deal with it.


Anonymous said...

OH, I so know how you're feeling! The winter is starting to really depress me!

HKins said...

Oh I hear ya. I'm so ready for spring!! Looks like Utah county actually got more snow than Cache Valley last night. Yippee for us. :)

Suzanna said...

Look on the bright side. Remember last year. May and it was SNOWING. YUCK. I say get it out of it's system so we can have spring.