
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Four Wheeling

We went four wheeling up the canyon last Friday with my dad. The trees had started to change colors and look so pretty. The temperature was in the 80's and it was perfect!

We stayed on this path because the Rhino is a bit wider than our four wheeler and it was just safer with the kids in the back. It was a pretty little path. We took it clear to the top of the mountain.

When we reached the top there was this little pond. Molly found a little pool of muddy water in the "road", sat down and had a ball playing in the mud.

I had brought an extra pair of PJ's so that is what she ended up wearing home. My dad had heard that Ted Bundy had carved his name is some quakie trees somewhere up there. He had looked in a few different groves before but had been unable to find it. We looked in this pretty little grove of trees and look what we found......

Kind of made me feel a little creepy that I was standing in the same spot and touching the same tree that a serial killer had touched. Simply because it is in such a deserted place. Yuck. What a sick-o. I have to agree with the person who carved their thoughts about him above his name.


HKins said...

Wow! So it was Ted Bundy himself that carved his name in the tree! Wow, that is creepy. One of my roomettes first cousins was one of his victims! I even verified it by looking up her name cause I didn't want to believe it. It's so weird when stuff like this happens cause we tend to think that stuff like that happens somewhere else to other people! Crazy!!

Mother Bird said...

Oh I don't like that at all. And he did it in the year we were born. Creepy

jenae nae said...

love that picture of the mud on mollys bum!!