
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

We all need a good laugh every now and then.....

We all need a good laugh every now and then. Today it just so happens to be at my own expense. I figure that we all only live once and we all make mistakes and we all have stupid and weird things happen to us so what the heck. We just need to laugh at ourselves sometimes. Today I am admitting my stupid thing so you all can have a laugh. Four years ago when I was 29 years old, yes 29, not 2 and not 9. Combined - 29! I woke up one morning and I was wet. Now I tend to get really hot at night when I sleep and sometimes I sweat. Kinda like a pre-menopausal woman I guess. I woke up this particular morning and thought, "Wow, I must have been really hot last night and sweat a lot." I laid there for a minute. Jeff woke up and rolled over to put his arm around me and he says in his small town accent as he's jerking backwards, "I'll be go to Hell, you have peed the bed!" What??? I'm 29 years old. I don't pee the bed anymore. "You're crazy. I was just really sweaty last night. I didn't pee the bed." I calmly say, because what sane 29 year old pees the bed? I get out of bed to go to the bathroom and when I pull down my pants, I think PHEW! as I get a whiff of urine. And then I realize that oh my hell, I HAVE peed the bed! I don't say a word. I am so embarrassed! I just get in the shower as my normal routine and I totally leave Jeff in the dark -- as he lays in the urine filled bed. I am WAY too embarrassed to admit that YES, I actually DID pee the bed. I am wondering how in the world it happened. I didn't remember having a dream that I was going pee. (you know how sometimes you will do that. Dream about peeing and then you almost do and you immediately wake yourself up) I wasn't pregnant so I couldn't blame it on a little baby kicking my blatter. What the heck happened?? I didn't even wake up when it happened. And then I proceeded to sleep in it for who knows how long! And I didn't just piddle a little, it was a full-on-pee. After I showered and Jeff was out of bed, I quickly stripped the sheets and mattress pad and washed them like normal, trying to remain calm and not let on still that I had in fact peed the bed. It took me over a year and a half to admit to Jeff that I peed the bed. And when I did, it seemed so funny and crazy that I just had to laugh about it.


Alli said...

Abbie I am so glad you finally shared that with everyone. I think hands down that is the funniest story EVER!! But I remember you saying that Jeff said "all be go to hell abbie jean". If not I think you should through that it there it even sounds better :). I love how fun you both are and that you always keep us laughing!

Erin Bradley said...

Good stuff!!!

If only I could be a fly on your wall for a day....i'd be so entertained!

Suzanna said...

Abbie Jean- I needed that. I laughed my guts out. I will NEVER let you live that down. I will laugh at this over and over again. Thanks for sharing.

Amanda said...

Abby, Abby, Abby.....

HKins said...

I love that you didn't even tell Jeff til a year later! Very funny.

Anonymous said...

I'm just glad I didn't have to share a bed with you in St. George! Ha! Ha! That is so freakin' funny Abbie Jean! Thanks for the laugh...I REALLY needed it today! You're awesome! :)

Casey, Cammy and 5 C's said...

That is hilarious! I am going to be laughing about this all day.

katelyn said...

come on abbie... jeff told us that he actually peed the bed, let you roll all over in his nasty filth all night long, he has spent everyday since then laughing at you because you always thought it was YOU!!
ha ha- thank you for your post! Although I didn't find the humor because I had 3 grown kids on my floor last night because all three have crapped in their own beds and I freeking have 6 hours of pee nasty laundry to do....

Alli said...

Ok that last one was not me it was your husband Jeff. He was looking at this post on my computer and decided to post that to you. He cracks me up!!