
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Night at the Museum

Every year at my children's school the 5th grade classes do something called Night at the Museum. The students are given a list of characters to choose from, living and non. Then they have to write a one page report on that character, memorize it, dress up like them, make a backdrop, get table decorations and present it for 2 days. Sidney's character was Pocahontas. She did a great job. Most of this work is what I like to call "mom homework".
(I thought I graduated a LONG time ago.... Why am I still having to do homework?)
Sidney's BFF Grace was Harriet Tubman
Grace's brother Brandt was Paul Revere
Sidney's other BFF Natalie was Diane Crump
And Sidney's other friend Conner was Trevor Brazil.
These kids did a great job! I was so impressed with all the 5th graders.


April said...

The good old wax museum! They look great!
I read your post on the book, and thought I'd tell you my son found a book there (last night at the museum)about mating cats and dogs. It had real pictures of them mating,delivering babies, and humping a mans leg with captions that said he secretly did enjoy it. It sounds like they have quite a few inappropriate books there. weird!

Suzanna said...

Sidney you look great. What a beautiful pocahontis.