We had a great Christmas this year. My nephew's birthday is on Christmas Eve and this year he tuned 18. So we went over there to have dinner and celebrate with him. (kind of a day that you're not going to be spending with your friends....) After that as usual my mom came and spent the night with us. Each year on Christmas Eve evening we go to the cemetery and put candles out on our grandparents graves. Our city and our neighboring city have had that as a tradition for many years now. It is really pretty to drive through the cemetery at about 9:00pm and see hundreds of glowing candles. After we came home and put the kids to bed and went to bed ourselves. Then the Old Fat Man showed up! Miss Molly got the cutest little Pinkalicious bike.
Jens got the new mitt he wanted.
And Sidney got the minke blanket that she so desperately wanted. I don't have a clue how to sew but thankfully I have friends and family who do. They did a great job!

Two words: PILLOW PETS
Who ever came up with this idea has had to make millions! Every kid I know loves them. Why? To me they are just one big obnoxious stuffed animal and I will never find closet space for it. My kids have wanted one forever and Santa didn't let them down. Cade got the dog he wanted.

I don't know if you can tell but Molly was so excited when she realized what she was opening up. Yes. A Pillow Pet!
Cade got this really cool Land Shark knee board. Or at least it seemed really "cool" at the time. It says to always wear protective gear while riding it. Helmet - knee pads - elbow pads. I half serious, half jokingly said to my mom that he should probably wear a mouth guard too. Well later in the day on Christmas while none of us adults were really paying attention, Cade took his Land Shark outside to ride it. He was still in his pajamas. He certainly did not have a helmet on. Heck, he didn't even have on shoes! My driveway is on a slant, so he started at the top of the drive and went zipping down the drive, hit the crack where the gutter meets the road and face planted. The knee board totally stopped where the two meet and he kept on sliding. Only on his face instead of the board.

His poor little face is all road rashed. He even has road rash on the inside of his lower lip. He had dirt all over in his teeth. I felt so bad for him!

So long story short: If any of your kids received this fabulous little toy, make sure they ALWAYS wear protective gear with it!
As for us, we decided that we aren't going to keep it! Tomorrow it goes back to the North Pole!
1 comment:
Merry Christmas! Looks like you had a great one, minus the face plant :( And what are you talking about?! You no likey the Pillow Pets? Claire got a Piggy :)
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