I have THE BEST in-laws in the world! Really and truly - they are fantastic! I couldn't have hand picked a better family to end up with. I absolutely love everyone one of them. From Grandma - Grandpa - aunts - uncles - cousins - brothers and sisters in law - nieces & nephews - and last but certainly not least, mom and dad in law.
Whenever I am talking to someone, anyone, and I mention that I am going here or there with my mother in law or sister's in law, I always get the same response, "Oh...... I am sorry! I bet you are NOT looking forward to that!" It seriously boggles my mind! I love being with my in laws. We all get along great and we always have a great time together.
So this past weekend, our kids were out of school on Friday and Monday so my in laws rented a cabin up Sundance. We all drove up on Friday (minus Jeff who was in LA). I would like to say the cabin was beautiful, but I couldn't really see it because of all the snow.
I can't believe how deep it was. Here is my 6 foot brother in law. Look at the snow next to him. It was insane! A cat had been up there and had plowed the road for us. But we still had to take a snow blower with us to finish clearing the road. All I can say is thank goodness for 4 wheel drive!!!

Look at how deep it is to my Expedition window. Crazy!
We didn't use the porch much!

One of the days we went skiing at Sundance.
I think Sundance is such a pretty place. The river and the log buildings are pretty.

All I can say about this picture is:
Meet the Griswolds!
Like I said, I love my in laws but they are a goofy bunch of looking people!
We went up the road sledding one of the days. Joel would drive us all up in the back of the truck and then we would sled down the road. We had so much fun. Julie and I went down the hill SOOOO fast! Suzi took some pictures that I will have to post later.
Sidney was about to crash into the side and Jessica was worried that she was going to crash into Sidney. Their faces looked too funny.
Cade built a little "bear cave" in the snow. I thought it was cute and let him crawl in it long enough to take a picture and then I made him get out because there was about 5 feet of snow on top of him and I was worried it would cave in on him. We ended up using it as a place to store our drinks so that they would stay cold.
Caden didn't let the snow stop him from using the swing!

After everyone was done being outside for the day, we would come in and take all our snow stuff off. The amount of snow clothes was totally absurd! That room was totally trashed with snow gear the whole weekend.

We had a blast together! We played lots of card games.
We had basketball shooting tournaments. We would set the timer for 1 minute and shoot as many as we could. And just for the record, I beat Dan 59 to 38!
We played pool.
(pay NO attention to the messy floor)
Jeff was supposed to fly home from Los Angeles on Sunday evening. He was pretty much going to miss the trip, but he ended up getting his meetings done early and he caught an earlier flight. He surprised us all by showing up on Saturday night!
More card games. Sometimes we would stay up until 1:00 and 2:00am playing and laughing.
The kids did a lot of coloring. (So did uncle Scott, Joel & Jeff!)
And we watched lots of movies.......
(mingled with LOTS of football games - which was very boring for the girls)
Suzi brought her super cute cupcake maker. Is this not the cutest thing?!!! You put the batter in the little cupcake spots inside and it bakes them in 10 minutes.
She also brought chef hats for the girls and let them make cupcakes. It entertained them for the longest time. They all thought that Suzi was the bee's knee's for her "little project".
We had the best weekend! I think we need to make this a tradition and do it every year!
Looks like lots of fun!! Can I just say, that your Hawaii pics are amazing.. I could look at these everyday in the winter and feel refreshed.
What a cute, fun family!!
Seriously you do have the funnest family! What a fun trip and I am totally jealous of your Hawaii fun.
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