My oldest son Jens is one of the sweetest kids you will ever meet. He is thoughtful, considerate of others, mature WAY beyond his years and he LOVES donuts!
However, he is also the messiest child I have ever known! He is a huge procrastinator and hates to clean his room. For a couple of days I have been telling him to go and clean it. He will slump his shoulders, drop his head and say, "FINE!". Then he saunters off downstairs to "clean". Well today I went down there and actually walked inside of his room, as opposed to just walking by. Here is what I found. Keep in mind that he has been spending an hour or so a day supposedly cleaning this pig pen.

His bed is neatly made............. with piles and piles of crap on top of it. No wonder he has been wanting to sleep upstairs with Cade. I thought maybe it was too cold down there or something. Oh no, it has been because he physically can not get into the bed without work.
He has his BB gun laying out on his bed. A big NO NO in my house. It is supposed to be locked in the safe. He has his Boy Scout merit badge papers all over the floor from his Pow Wow on Saturday. His garbage has thrown it's self up all over the floor. And do you see the shirts in plastic sticking out from under his bed? Yeah, that's his dry cleaning!!!!!!

He has more hats and jackets hanging on his bed posts than I care to count.
He has so much CLEAN laundry laying on the floor that he can't even close his closet doors. Not to mention the clean laundry (that he was too lazy to hang up) that he has stuffed onto his closet shelves.

My friend Jamie said that she makes her boys give her one hour of work for every day that their room is messy. I thought that was a GREAT idea! So I closed his bedroom door and I made a little "NOTICE" sign and hung it on his door.

I love my Jensy but I know better. This sign will help, but I am sure that I can look forward to lots and lots and lots of extra housework out of him.
I love the note! I am going to have to remember that when my kids get older.
It is definitely a teenage thing. Chad and Callie are terrible. I am SOOOO taking that sign idea and using it too!!
P.S. I also think it's worse when their room is "out of the way" and mom doesn't walk into it every day. Chad and Callie's are upstairs. :)
I love it. Hows that going for you. (The 45minutes of work?)
That's a great idea... I will have to remember that one for when my boy gets older!
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