
Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Hike to the Wind Caves

Molly and I came up to Bear Lake for girls camp. We went up through Logan Canyon and stopped to hike the Wind Cave Trail on our way up. I really loved the hike! It was just under 4 miles, we climbed 6,100 feet and it took us 2 & 1/2 hours.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Bastian Mansion UVU Museum

Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Molly and I went to Utah Valley University's museum of art at Lakemont Manor. 
The museum occupies a huge, 40,000 square-foot mansion nestled in a residential neighborhood in Orem. I used to be in the same ward as this house. This mansion with nine bedrooms and 16 bathrooms was designed and owned by Melanie Bastian. Former wife of Bruce Bastian Who is famous for cofounding, with Alan Ashton, The company behind word, processing software, WordPerfect.  The success of WordPerfect made Bruce Bastian, one of the countries, most successful multimillionaires.
Years later, Bruce left Melanie from another man. Melanie raised their four boys in this incredible mansion. She passed away from cancer at the age of 62. Since she was such a big donor and supporter of the arts, her family donated the mansion to Utah Valley University to be used as a museum for the arts. Molly and I walked through it and were wowed by all of the beautiful architecture and artwork. It took four years to renovate the house to be a working museum, but many things were still the same as it was when it was a residential home. We loved going through it!  

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Baby Jaceroni 👶🏼

This delicious slice of heaven is almost a year old, and I can't believe it! He has just started to learn to crawl and is so cute to watch. He loves chewing on tags and straps of all kinds.
He says dada in the cutest little way. They say he also says mama, but I haven't heard it yet. I have to about stand on my head and do jumping jacks to get him to crack a smile. He does not hand those out freely! He's a serious little guy. He's also stingy with his snuggles so anytime we can get a smile or a snuggle, we take complete advantage! 
He has his two bottom teeth and his two top teeth along with one other top one that is about to break through any minute. He loves stroller rides, and anytime he can be outside. He likes dogs and especially loves his stuffed doggy that he made on his cruise. He also loves Mickey Mouse & scrambled eggs. I'm so happy he's in my life.