
Friday, July 27, 2012

Pioneer Day 2012

I love celebrating Pioneer Day.  
Jeff's family always makes it so much fun.  It's one of my favorite holidays.
 We always go to the Fiesta Days PRCA Rodeo with all the family.  I was really excited to go this year because Spanish Fork City just built a new rodeo arena.  It holds almost double to what the old one held and it is the nicest PRCA arena in the country. 

 When the rodeo was over, we went outside the arena and Cade and Jens rode the mechanical bull.  Neither one of them could last more that a few seconds.

The next day we went to the parade.  All of Jeff's family comes for the parade every year.  ALL of his family - his aunts, uncles, cousins.  It's great to always see everyone.

Jeff's aunt Jill and her boys always go set up a ton of chairs days early so we can all just show up and watch.

These little vultures are always on guard at the parade looking for candy to be thrown their way.

Jeff's dear, almost 93 year old grandma Laverne lives just a block away from where we watch the parade.  We all park at her house and walk down to watch the parade.

When the parade is over we all walk back to her house for a big pot luck lunch.

 Jeff's cousin Todd always has the kids do foot races for a quarter.  They even race around the block in the hot 96 degree weather for a quarter!  They all look forward to it every year.  Then most everyone goes down to the carnival.  I really hate the carnival and I don't go and Jeff won't take my camera down to take pictures of it.  Oh well!

That night we had a big low country shrimp boil with 7 families at our house.

 It was delicious as always!

Jeff talked the girls into singing the Star Spangled Banner for us before we had our firework show.

They sang and we all put our hands over our hearts even though I didn't have a flag up!  We looked like the people on the movie Christmas Vacation when Aunt Bethany says the Pledge of Allegiance instead of saying grace over the Christmas dinner.

 Then we had our own little firework show.

 It was another great holiday!

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