
Thursday, October 8, 2020

Bell’s Palsy. Again.

I got Bell’s Palsy last July. I was so distrust about it. It came and went in 3 weeks. 
I got it again The very end of August. So sad. I REALLY wanted it to be gone before Sidney’s wedding. That didn’t happen. What can I do besides try to make the most out of it. At least it’s not ALS or MS, right! Only the right side of my face is paralyzed instead of my whole body. And so for that, I’ll count my blessings. It’s so weird to not be able to move a part of your body though. I couldn’t wink my eye or raise my eyebrow if my life depended on it. I’ve taken two rounds of anti viral medicine. I’ve done an electric therapy treatment. All that did was make my ear ring for 52 hours straight. I’ve been rubbing Frankincense on it several times a day. A friend told me to try that. I go see the neurologist on Nov 12th. 
SLOWLY I’m getting a little movement back in my check. I’m actually able to smile somewhat! It takes total concentration to do though. Kind of like when you have to think to be able to wiggle your ears. I have to THINK to pull that right side up and make a smile. Baby steps. Baby steps.


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