
Monday, August 19, 2024

Elder Higginson comes HOME! 🏡

Friday, August 16, 2024
Mr Scott finally made it home and we are all so happy! All the Higginson side made it to the airport to welcome him home along with Halle and his best bud Sammy. We were full of the best tears and hugs!  We went from the airport straight to Temple Square to meet with President Wally Trotter to get Cade released.  We met him up there because a Cade was planning on driving right back up to Logan to go to a football game.  Then we stopped at Kneaders for a quick bite to eat before making our way home.  Grandma's Gloria and Clella met us at home along with Halle's parents and baby sis. His other best buddy Wyatt (Bart) also pulled in right behind us.  It was so good to have him home!

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