
Tuesday, September 11, 2018

15 Reason's Why I Love Caden!

If ever there was a boy to love, it would be my boy Caden.  He is wonderful in SO many ways, but today on his 15th birthday, I'll name just 15 reasons:

First of all - look at this kid!  He is SO incredibly handsome!
His eyes are and have always been my favorite.  I love his big, strong hands and his brown hair.  He is a leader - not a follower.  I never have to worry about him falling to peer pressure.  He keeps himself in check.  He is never persuaded to do something that he knows is not right.  And he'll do his darndest to make sure everyone else doesn't feel pressured to make wrong choices either.

He is kind to animals, big and small.
He's sweet and cuddly with kittens & puppies and nice to even the dirtiest of all animals, the pigs.

He loves himself some friends!
I'm quite convinced that he lives everyday for friends.  He's most happy when he's hanging out with them.  Laughing and having a good time.

He's so loving
He is so compassionate and caring.  He tells you he loves you all the time and he hugs and kisses you too.  He doesn't care who is around to see or hear either.  He could have the house full with all the cutest girls in school and he'd hug me, kiss me on the cheek and tell me that he loves me.

He's adventurous!
He loves to explore and see new places and things.  From the ghost towns of Silver Reef to the mountains and Inca ruins of Peru.  There is always something cool to look at, dig up, explore more deeply into, or learn more about.

He's absolutely HILARIOUS!
This kid has the greatest self esteem of anybody!  He is staying just exactly who he is and how he is - take it or leave it.  He makes everyone laugh - all the time!

(here he is Mermaid dancing, ha ha!)

He's a protector
He will protect you from any bully any day!  When he was in 5th grade, kids were actually paying him 50 cents a week to protect them from the 6th graders, haha!  He beat up anyone who is picking on  others.  He try to fight Sidney's boyfriends when they make her cry, he'll always watch out for the little guy.
He lives his life by the motto: Do no harm - but take no shit!
(unless of course you DO have to actually do a little harm)

He's obedient
He does his chores without complaint (usually) and he is careful not to break any rules that would harm him physically, mentally or spiritually.

He has a "Givers Heart" 
He's generous and shares all he has.  From his clothes, to his chapstick to money.  Whatever you need, he's got you covered.

 He also has a Grateful Heart
He is so happy with whatever is given to him and he never complains that he didn't receive more.

He's polite
He always holds the door open for others, lets others go first, uses good manners in restaurants, and says pleas and thank you.

He's cute with little kids
All little kids love Cade.  Why???  Because he treats them with respect.  He'll tease them, play ball with them, tell them scary stories and basically just make them feel like one of the "big kids".

His laugh
He has the best laugh!  Its real and genuine.  And usually always a hard belly laugh.  It makes my heart happy to hear him laughing!

He's responsible
I've let him drive the car since he was 14.  He takes it very serious and cautiously.  He is careful to make sure he gets his math homework done correctly.  He takes it upon himself to call Tyler Brumfield or another friend to help him get through it.  He watches his grades so that they don't interfere with his ability to be able to play high school football or baseball.  He does what ever he says he's going to do.  He always follows through.

He loves ME!
How can you not love someone who loves you!  He is wonderful, and I am forever grateful everyday that Heavenly Father gave me one of his beautiful, strong children for me to raise as my own.

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