
Sunday, December 20, 2020

Higginson Adult Christmas Party

The adult party was another success!  This year we have a few differences from years past.  Starting with no Duane, Julie or Clella.  They were just nervous to come out and catch covid, AND the fact that Duane just recently had his other leg removed the end of October, had numerous infections and had a stroke.  All in all, he spent something like 45 days in the hospital with all of this. He simply was too weak to come.  Then new this year we added Jackson, Gunner and Hailey!  I also really don't like prime rib (which is on the menu every bloody year because thats what Duane and Julie want to get) so this year I did chicken cordon bleu and everyone loved it!  This was also the first year that we've had to add an additional table in the living room, even with the 3 missing.  Our kiddos are all becoming "legal adults" too quick!  After dinner we played our favorite game, Telestrations.  Everyone laughed their heads off!

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