
Saturday, December 24, 2022

These are a few of my favorite things

I love pulling out any of my holiday decorations whatever holiday they may be - mostly because I haven't seen them for a year.  I pretty much love every decoration for every holiday or else I get rid of it.  But here are a few reasons why I love these Christmas ones.....
I LOVE my elf!  My neighbors Butch & Sherrie Scott had one for several years and I always wanted one.  I found him finally at Modern Display the day after Christmas of 2020 for 50% off and I bought him in a quick hurry!  I love him - I think he is so cute!

I think this nativity is pretty and matches perfectly in my formal living room.  I have a beautiful one from Israel, made from olive wood but it was on display at the stake center when I took these pictures. 

I really think these lighted pictures are pretty.

I love all my trees and this kitchen gingerbread one is no exception!  I absolutely love all the decorations on it and all the gingerbread and colors of pink in my kitchen.

Love this little magic elf door that I put up every year on the kitchen counter.

I bought new decorations last year for this tree a couple days before Christmas and I love them!  I had about half the decorations already that I either had on another tree or wasn't using anymore.  Once I paired them with my new decorations I fell in love with all of them and this tree.  I love how it turned out!

This little elf was in inspiration for the big elf on the front porch.  I've had him for 500 years and have loved him as much as I did the day I bought him.  Then when we moved to this new house 7 years ago and I saw my neighbors big one - I fell in love with that elf even more.  So glad I have him in a life size now too!  And how cute is this gift from the Parry's a few years ago - a giant letter to Santa!

This travel tree is super fun.  When we go on vacation, our souvenir is always an ornament for our tree.  I put it up on the stair landing next to our map and photo wall of our travels.  Its a bit tight but fun to see them all together.  Its a walk down memory lane with each ornament I pull out to decorate with.  I also love my new "Caden" missionary ornament that Diana's sister Marilyn made me!  She is sooo talented!  And without her intention or even realizing it, she made the "Cade" one a little taller than the "Jens" one - just like they are in real life.  I love these!

When Jens was in grade school, he made this little Christmas tree as a project.  Cade made the little nativity in cub scouts.  Bernille and Ross Critchfield were his leaders and they were the BEST cub scout leaders of all time!

Years ago when I was little - I'm guessing around age 7 to 9 or so because my parents were still married.  My dad had been working out of town for a couple weeks on a job.  He came home with these little caroler bells as a gift for me.  I have treasured them my whole life.  They are one of two gifts that he's given me (the other gift being a pair of earrings - also picked up for me when he was working out of town).  I used to leave these up year round when I was a kid.  They were always on display in my bedroom.  They sat on my window sill or on my dresser.  When I grew up and moved, they were carefully wrapped and boxed up.  They sat in the cold in storage for a bit.  When I unwrapped them, their sweet, chiming sound was gone and had been forever replaced by a low, dull ding.  I was disheartened and sad to find that the sound had changed.  I can still hear the high pitched sounds of their ringing in my memory and its beautiful.  And I'm so glad that I still have them - close to 40 years later - even if the ring is off.

And another childhood favorite is this little snowman!  My mom painted him and for whatever reason, he has always been THE cutest thing to me.

Mister Jensy Bug made this gift for me also in scouts - under the direction of Ross & Bernielle Critchfield.  I'm telling you, they were the most creative and fantastic leaders ever.

Jeff bought this Thomas Kincaid house for me several years ago.  When the kids were little they used to love to sit in front of it and listen as it told the story of The Night Before Christmas.

The basement tree - this is a cute tree with cute decorations that are new as well as the ones my kiddos made when they were little and in elementary school.

My mom painted this mouse when I was little.  He was then and he still is now, my most favorite decoration!  He is adorable in his little yellow pajamas!  Years ago his ear got chipped.  I touched up the paint on it and still happily hang him every year.  I LOVE him!

About 7 or 8 years ago I found these little guys at a swapp meet in Arizona.  I had to buy them because they reminded me of the little elf decorations that my grandma Hartvigsen had when I was little.

Molly wrote this as a school project one year in elementary school.  I read the story she had written and thought it was adorable.  I framed it and proudly display it on the shelf.

Last but not least are these kings.  At Salem Elementary, when you get into 5th grade, they do a macaroni art project.  You can make one or all of the 3 kings.  When all my kids had made it through 5th grade and had each made theirs, I framed them and put them up on display.  I love these!

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