
Sunday, April 12, 2009

Farm Country

Can I just say that I love where I live. It's total farm country and I love it. I don't know what I would do if I lived in a city and heard cars and honking all day and night long. Although I LOVE to visit the city, it's so nice to come home! So driving home from Jens' game on Friday evening I decided to take some pictures of the things that I saw since my camera was still in the car from the game. I barely get on the highway and there is this herd of deer.
My neighbors horses

My other neighbors sheep. Everyday when I look out my side window I can see them. The males are in my back/side yard and the females are across the street. The babies are a little harder to see simply cause they are across the street and the males barn blocks the view a bit. Each year the males are herded across the road to mate. After their fun is done, they are herded back to the barn and they jump around and buck and kick and spring into the air. They look like they jump up in the air with all 4 feet at the same time. It is sooo funny! There is quite no other sight like that of a satisfied, happy boy sheep!

The cows that live in the field just 1 minute down the road from my house

And the majestic Rocky Mountains. All of these photos were taken in less than 10 minutes time. Sure the pigs may have a stench and the sheep can sometimes knock you down with their smell, and the cows BAWL all day and all night long each srping when their babies are taken from them and the sound can wake you up at night, but there is no other place that I'd rather live!


HKins said...

Abby I love these pics. I'm sure you are glad that just a few generations back out ancestors decided to make this their home. Good choice huh? Your pics make me want to drive to Salem this very minute. What are you making for Easter dinner? If you have mashed potatoes and gravy I'm on my way! :) Happy Easter!

Amanda said...

(cute new blog!)
Awe I miss those mountains dearly!!
{And I didn't know deer came in flocks;)